
the successful reason of farouk chi hair iron

Hu Li dragged chi hair products into her office, a big sigh of relief. Looked CHI, fear, said: "public fancy, and it is an honor to know not bird people still have not look the other way at me, you lucky." CHI quips.CHI say more chills. Looked up to see across the office segment Qirui for him to carry herself, he scared immediately bow the annoying chatters with: "I did not see, did not see, did not see anything."

chi tease the laughable, and turned around to see the opposite office Sure enough, the segment did not give up the demon show finished muscles of the hand, wanted to show the leg muscles, lying on the windows, like a spider, which goods are too funny.

Hu Li felt to stay any longer crashes Mirage is really a horrible place, this view chi iron Assistant mentality on the upper and lower normal point, just about, and CHI speak little assistant knocked on the door came.She looks like a professional mouth saying: "Fang, I have come to remind you, you are a meeting next Tuesday." Eye never came glued to the CHI body.

